Above Bar Lighting Ideas - ALOTOFBRASSERA

Above Bar Lighting Ideas

Introduction to Bar Lighting

Lighting is an essential aspect of interior design. It's not just about illuminating a space; it's about creating an atmosphere, setting the mood, and even enhancing functionality. Nowhere is this truer than in a bar setting. But what are the best above bar lighting ideas? Let's dive in and shed some light on this.

Importance of Good Bar Lighting

Good lighting can make or break a bar's atmosphere. It can set the mood for your patrons, highlight your bar's best features, and even influence the length of their stay. The right lighting can transform your bar into a vibrant hotspot or a cozy hideaway depending on your intentions.

Types of Bar Lighting

Pendant Lights

Pendant lights hang from the ceiling, providing both functional and decorative lighting. They come in various styles, from vintage Edison bulb designs to sleek, modern globes. Position them over the bar counter to create a warm and intimate setting.


Recessed Lights

Recessed lights, also known as downlights, are installed into the ceiling, offering a clean, streamlined look. They are excellent for providing general lighting without taking up any visual space. Use them in combination with other light sources to add depth to your lighting scheme.


If you're looking to make a bold statement, consider a chandelier. Though typically associated with more formal settings, chandeliers can also add a touch of elegance to a rustic or industrial-themed bar.

LED Strips

LED strips can add a modern and funky vibe to your bar. Install them under the bar counter, behind shelves, or around mirrors. They are energy-efficient and available in a range of colors, making them a versatile choice.

Wall Sconces

Wall sconces provide ambient lighting while adding to your bar's décor. They are great for highlighting artwork or architectural features.

Factors to Consider When Choosing Bar Lighting

Your Bar's Theme

Your lighting should complement your bar's theme. For example, if you have a speakeasy-themed bar, opt for dim, warm lighting to mimic the Prohibition-era feel.

Size and Layout of the Bar

Consider the size and layout of your bar. Smaller bars may benefit from fewer, well-placed light sources, while larger ones may require a mix of light types to fill the space without creating dark corners.

Functionality vs. Aesthetics

While aesthetics are important, don't overlook functionality. Ensure that your bartenders can see what they're doing and that your patrons can read the menu. A combination of task, ambient, and accent lighting usually works best.

Energy Efficiency

Investing in energy-efficient lighting, like LEDs, can reduce your energy costs in the long run. They also have the added benefit of being more environmentally friendly.

Expert Tips for Bar Lighting

  1. Use a dimmer: This allows you to adjust the lighting according to the time of day and the mood you want to set.
  2. Mix and match: Don't be afraid to use different types of lighting. This can add depth and interest to your bar.
  3. Think about color temperature: Warmer lights create a cozy and inviting atmosphere, while cooler lights can create a more energetic vibe.


Choosing the right lighting for your bar is both an art and a science. It requires a clear understanding of your space, your clientele, and the mood you want to set. From pendant lights to LED strips, there are numerous options to suit your style and needs. Remember, the goal of your lighting should be to create a welcoming atmosphere that makes your patrons want to stay and enjoy.


1. What is the best type of lighting for a small bar? Recessed lighting is often a good choice for smaller bars as it provides ample light without taking up much space. Pendant lights can also work if spaced correctly.

2. Can I use LED lights in a vintage-themed bar? Absolutely! LED lights come in a variety of styles, including vintage-inspired designs that could complement your theme perfectly.

3. How much light should be over a bar? The amount of light needed will depend on the size of your bar and the ambiance you want to create. A good rule of thumb is to have enough light for functionality without overpowering the space.

4. Can I mix different styles of lights in my bar? Yes, mixing different types of lights can add depth and interest to your space. Just make sure they complement each other and your overall decor.

5. Should bar lighting be brighter than restaurant lighting? Not necessarily. The brightness of your bar's lighting should depend on the mood you want to set. Dimmer lighting often creates a more intimate and relaxed atmosphere.

Recessed Lights

Recessed lights, also known as downlights, are installed into the ceiling, offering a clean, streamlined look. They are excellent for providing general lighting without taking up any visual space. Use them in combination with other light sources to add depth to your lighting scheme.


If you're looking to make a bold statement, consider a chandelier. Though typically associated with more formal settings, chandeliers can also add a touch of elegance to a rustic or industrial-themed bar.

LED Strips

LED strips can add a modern and funky vibe to your bar. Install them under the bar counter, behind shelves, or around mirrors. They are energy-efficient and available in a range of colors, making them a versatile choice.

Wall Sconces

Wall sconces provide ambient lighting while adding to your bar's décor. They are great for highlighting artwork or architectural features.

Factors to Consider When Choosing Bar Lighting

Your Bar's Theme

Your lighting should complement your bar's theme. For example, if you have a speakeasy-themed bar, opt for dim, warm lighting to mimic the Prohibition-era feel.

Size and Layout of the Bar

Consider the size and layout of your bar. Smaller bars may benefit from fewer, well-placed light sources, while larger ones may require a mix of light types to fill the space without creating dark corners.

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